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What’s the Buzz?

I came to learn more about Friends, curious from the outside, and this show does not disappoint! This is wonderful to listen to and I can’t wait for more. Thanks to you both for sharing your voice.
-Goody in Canada on Thee Quaker Podcast

I credit Thee Quaker Podcast for increasing the weekly attendance of our meeting. Our Meeting has broken attendance records several times in the last several weeks. A part of that is our growing number of young adults. Last year at this time I would often be the only attendee that was under35 now it is not uncommon for there to have 6 or more young adults. I think Thee Quaker Podcast has helped each Seeker and returning member connect with the history of Quakerism and their own spirituality. When you sit in silence each Sunday you don’t learn about the faith’s history. Thee Quaker Podcast has filled that “Sunday School” role for a lot of us.
-Logan in Iowa on Thee Quaker Podcast

It’s very meaningful to receive these daily messages in my inbox in a flood of otherwise stressfulemails. I find these to be centering and personal, inviting me to connection with the divine andwith a community.
-Leenah in Illinois on the Daily Quaker Message

[The Daily Quaker Message] started the same time I discovered Quakerism and has proved a really useful aid to help me figure out how to incorporate Quakerism into my daily life. As a newcomer Quakerism can seem quite daunting and hard to pin down. This tool is highly accessible, supportive and gives me useful points of focus for my daily and Sunday worship.
-Leah in the U.K. on the Daily Quaker Message