The Daily Quaker Message

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The Daily Quaker Message is an invitation to practice your own walk on the Quaker path. Daily Quaker emails have three parts: a short Quaker message to meditate on (often a quote, but sometimes a song, a poem, a piece of art, or a video), an exercise to try in your own life, and a query.

We curate Daily Quaker Messages from diverse sources: from different eras of history, and from people of different backgrounds and beliefs. One of the strengths of Quakerism is its ability to make room for the ministry of all Friends. We hope each message has a kernel that speaks to your condition.

Today’s Message

  • by Gerald Littleboy
    “For some it is right to give their whole lives explicitly to concrete forms of service, but for most their service will lie ‘in the sheer quality of the soul displayed in ordinary occupations.' Such ordinary occupations are sometimes an essential contribution to the liberation of another person for wider service, and in any case, the inspiration of a dedicated life […]

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Thee Quaker Project
1800 JFK Blvd Suite 300 PMB 95909
Philadelphia, PA 19103

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