The Daily Quaker Message

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The Daily Quaker Message is an invitation to practice your own walk on the Quaker path. Daily Quaker emails have three parts: a short Quaker message to meditate on (often a quote, but sometimes a song, a poem, a piece of art, or a video), an exercise to try in your own life, and a query.

We curate Daily Quaker Messages from diverse sources: from different eras of history, and from people of different backgrounds and beliefs. One of the strengths of Quakerism is its ability to make room for the ministry of all Friends. We hope each message has a kernel that speaks to your condition.

Today’s Message

  • by Keith Helmuth
    "We are building towards the climax of crisis. The spiritual crisis is folding into the ecological crisis and the ecological crisis is folding into the economic crisis. As Christians, it seems to me, we are now required to critically assess the capital driven market economy and identify it as a false religion, a fabulously productive but ultimately destructive system bringing closure […]
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Our Address:
Thee Quaker Project
1800 JFK Blvd Suite 300 PMB 95909
Philadelphia, PA 19103

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